Exchanges and Moving
Homes for
Older People
We don’t keep a waiting list for our properties, because in most cases our empty homes have to be let to people put forward by their local authority.
To be nominated for social housing in our areas, you need to register with your local council.
If you are one of our existing tenants, you can also apply for a transfer.
We keep a list of people who want a transfer.
If your circumstances change and you have a strong reason for needing to move, you can download this form to apply for a transfer, or call the office.
We only accept transfer applications from people who have been tenants for at least 12 months. Otherwise, we normally accept all transfer applications, except where there is a court order in place relating to a broken term of the tenancy agreement. Download our transfer policy for more details.
We will prioritize your application in Bands A (highest urgency) to D (lowest urgency). Contact us to find out more about these categories.
Whichever band you are in, bear in mind that only a small number of our homes become vacant each year. To improve your chances, you should also apply to your council to go on their housing register.
To find out more about registering, go to the Hounslow Council Website
Please note that councils also have very few homes to offer, so we also strongly advise you to consider following up on some of the other options for moving listed on this web page.
Making a mutual exchange
If you are a contractual tenant, or a contractual shorthold tenant with a fixed-term agreement, you have the right to swap homes with the tenant of any social housing landlord.
You will need permission from both landlords before you go ahead with the swap.
When you swap homes, you are also swapping tenancies. This means your rights may change. For example, if one side of the swap has a fixed-term agreement, their swap partner only takes on what remains of the tenancy.
You can find a swap partner by signing up for a national online scheme called HomeSwapper. https://www.homeswapper.co.uk/
This service is free for our tenants because we are a partner organisation.
Once you have found a swap partner, visited each other’s homes and made sure you understand what sort of tenancy they have, you need to involve both landlords. Don’t plan your move until we have both said ‘yes’.
To ask our permission, complete our mutual exchange form
We have the right to refuse permission if you or your swap partner:
owe rent
have broken your tenancy agreement and been taken to court, or if
your home is the wrong size for your swap partner.
We can also say no if your home has already been ‘assigned’ to someone other than the original tenant. See the assignment for more details.
Moving to another borough
You can apply for a move to another London borough by registering with the Mayor of London’s Housing Moves scheme.
You will get priority if you are:
have more bedrooms than you need
need to work to be closer to your job or higher education
need to move to care for a family member or friend.
Homes for
Older People
We have no sheltered schemes of our own, but we can offer you advice if you would like to find this type of housing with another landlord.
If you are aged 55 or over (or at least one partner in a couple is this age), you can also register for the Mayor of London’s Seaside & County Homes scheme for a move outside London.
You will not be considered if you:
owe rent
have a history of anti-social behaviour, or if
you are currently being taken to court or about to be evicted